How to find harmony?

Let’s immediately clear that these methods are not suitable for everyone. There are many different nuances. The effectiveness of such methods depends on the following factors:

  • Inner peace from you
  • From experience, that is, have you taken care of your balance and harmony before, or are you just starting to do so
  • Are you in an imperative situation where you need to do something to restore the harmony of your soul, for example, between work and health
  • What kind of balance has been lost, that is, how deep is the “deviation” that you want to restore, how the situation looks and what exactly you would like to change
  • And of course, an important factor is motivation

It is important to remember that in such a case there are no immediate results, patience is required, and this is often the most difficult. Many people are looking for some kind of “magic wand” to change the situation with lightning speed, but this does not happen. Man is a complex being, it is a body, soul, mind and heart. And all these parts are closely related. If something happens to one part, a chain reaction starts that affects all the others.

4 steps to find harmony in the soul

Peace is the first step you must take to find harmony within yourself, without which you cannot move forward.

“In muddy water, you can’t see the rocks at the bottom”

Another important aspect to consider is integrity. Sometimes when we lose balance at the physical level (we fall into lethargy, we don’t want to move forward, we lose the desire to do something at all), then this affects all our components: emotions and soul.

There are four components that make a person a person:

  • The physical component, of our body
  • Mental component, mind
  • Feelings/Emotions
  • Spirituality

Only when all these elements work well, a person achieves harmony and balance within themselves. To achieve the lost balance, we must act on all levels simultaneously.

Number 1: Physical

workout girl 
girl on exercise machine

Take care of your body, and do something good for yourself. Fits well

Walk in the sun

Any movement (jogging, swimming), and other options.

Sometimes a simple walk has good results. Some started feeling better after walking and observing nature. But this is not for everyone, someone needs something more energetic: hard running or martial arts.

By the way, during meditation, you can use incense sticks. They will create the right atmosphere.

Restoring balance on a physical level can also manifest itself in changing clothes. For example, if you change your wardrobe made of high-quality materials, pleasant to the touch and pleasing to the eye, this will positively affect your physical components.

In a word, you should start treating yourself as a small child, what you want to care for and what you want to pamper.

Number 2: Mind

Rubik cube

Meditation is the best way to take care of the mind. This is a complex topic that needs to be explored in depth. It is important to understand how our mind works, what laws it obeys and how we can work with it.

People completely surrender to meditation. They do it from 4 am to 9 pm, in total silence, without the ability to read books, write, watch movies or listen to music. And get zero results.

You have to listen to yourself to have some conversation with your mind. Thanks to such an experience, you can get to know your mind, and “tame” it. Because if this is not done, it will start controlling you completely and develop your ego. In this state, it is very difficult to hear intuition and inner voice.

In the beginning, working with the mind takes a lot of time and requires regular and persistent effort, but shows brilliant results. Most of the time, only because of problems at this level of a person, there is no harmony of spirit, so it is important to be able to control and regulate it. It can be said that the central divisional control. And you have to learn how to work with it. 

After all, the mind takes us to an unchangeable past or a future that does not yet exist, preventing us from being in the present.

Number 3: Emotions

man showing emotions

Emotions are important guides, they tell us what to focus on first, and there are many methods how to manage them.

There are positive and negative emotions, but both are important. For example, there is a good old method, which is complicated, but very effective. You can call it “only for the brave.”

It’s about dealing with negative emotions. Get over them without any “anaesthesia” and don’t run away from them. It hurts a lot at first. Then this feeling will decrease, and then, finally, it will disappear completely.

Acknowledging how you feel gives you a sense of inner consistency. For example, if you feel sad, you really feel it, do not pretend that everything is in order, and do not cover it with an artificial smile, but do not push this feeling deep into your soul.

Accept these feelings without fear of being hurt. Pain and sorrow are as natural as laughter. You must not run away from them. And this is difficult because in the modern world we do our best not to feel negative emotions. But no one says that finding harmony in the soul is easy.

Sometimes it’s worth consciously allowing yourself to experience pain because it’s natural and everything has a reason.

Often people pretend that nothing is happening, but deep down they are suffering. They laugh, and at the same time tremble with fear. Such behaviour destroys internal balance and harmony because we lose energy to maintain external illusions, we spend on creating and wearing masks.

It’s better if you don’t pretend. Being yourself is the easiest way to maintain balance in life. On the other hand, losing balance is an easy way to get to know yourself and your needs.

Number 4: Spirituality

Lord buddha

Sometimes you need to start searching for your mission, your passion, and your soul’s calling. And, sometimes, despite the rational assessment of the mind, it is worth following this inner desire.

The simple words “I feel like I’m in paradise” can be true. We create both heaven and hell for ourselves. Therefore, it is worth taking care of your own paradise on earth and creating it in your life. It is very difficult to do, and it is long, but it is definitely possible.

Many people think this is a luxury that only the very rich can afford. But this is far from the truth. Some of them put a lot of knowledge, work, perseverance and of course passion to build their own paradise. After all, not everything can be measured in money.

Finding your calling is a lifelong challenge. The task is incredibly difficult. But there are some exercises that can help. First, you need to ask yourself:

  • Why do I do what I do?
  • Why should I do this?
  • What do I understand by this?
  • What is most important to me?
  • What should I focus on in my life?
  • Write the answers and keep them aside

But add the answers again and again. In time, the truth begins to show.

Sometimes when we ask ourselves such questions for the first time, we spend a lot of time thinking about the answers. I thoroughly analyze everything in my head and only then write it down. Each time later, it takes less and less time to answer, but in the end, it turns out that the most important thing was written much later.

We begin to see that there is no balance between thoughts and actions. We want one thing, but we do something completely different. And realizing this is the first step to harmony within oneself.

Life is like spring cleaning. It takes much longer than regular tidying up, it requires more energy. However, during it, some decisions are made:

What to remove

Things to keep out of sight so as not to disturb

All this leads to some actions, but then it is clean, comfortable and easy to breathe.

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