finger on mouth women secret


Equality for women has come a long way in the last 100 years. However, women are still restricted by society and, surprisingly, by other women. Some phrases like compliments and questions are really negative in our society.

Check out these 8 phrases women should stop saying to each other.

1) “Forget about her…you’re beautiful anyway.”

Most women say this with the best of intentions. Maybe your friend’s partner has been unfaithful to her. They want to please their friend and put a smile on her face, but they place too much value on beauty. This implies that women compete with each other and beauty is a successful brand for women. It is not true.

2) Have you lost weight? You are awesome! “

If the other woman is not trying to lose weight, congratulations should not be associated with body weight. This suggests that women’s self-esteem depends on their weight.

3) “You’re so skinny, eat a hamburger!”

This is meant as advice, but many women find it difficult to gain weight, and being told they should gain weight on these terms can be very damaging and annoying.

4) “Boys love this body type.”

Once again we place too much value on beauty and body image, to the exclusion of other qualities such as intelligence, a sense of humour or being a good person.

Setting standards of female beauty can be very harmful. The only priority is to be healthy and happy in your body.

At this point, I leave you with a video that fits him like a glove. It’s titled “Beauty Stereotypes Are Undermining Your Self-Esteem”:

5) “When are you getting married?”

Is it really necessary to put pressure on such a sensitive subject? What if she marries due to social pressure without complete conviction?

Marriage is not essential and many women are not personally interested in marriage. This can force the woman to justify her decision.

6) “When are you having a baby?”

This is one of the worst questions you can ask a woman. She does not have to publicly state why she is not a mother. It could simply be because you don’t want, can’t or don’t trust your relationship.

Deciding to become a mother is such an important decision that some women simply choose not to have children. This is a personal choice and does not require justification.

7) “Women are crazy.”

Most generalizations are false and this one is no exception. These kinds of statements create a wrong image of women. It is a negative and inaccurate point of view.

8) “Why are you alone?”

This question reminds me of number 6. Should a woman justify why a partner has decided not to stay?

No one’s self-esteem is tied to whether they have a partner or not. There are many reasons for not being in a relationship. Having a partner is not mandatory in this life.

Which of these questions or phrases do you hate the most? Can you think of another incorrect phrase? Leave your comment.

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