01. Recognize Anger

This means understanding the pattern of how you feel anger. Some people get red in the face, sweat, and grind their teeth when they get angry. Some people cry because of anger. These are like prior warnings. When you first recognize it, you can quickly take action to control your anger.

For women, when your monthly period is approaching, you will quickly become irritable. Emotional instability occurs during pregnancy. As side effects of some medicines, vitamin deficiencies and hormonal problems cause irritation. Not only that, they can get angry due to changes in the environment.

And understand the things that make you angry. That means trigger points. Then you can maintain some mental peace by staying away from them.

When you recognize anger, you can tell those things clearly to the closest people like your spouse, or family. “I get angry about this. Don’t say/do those things in front of me. It’s uncomfortable for me”, and “I get a little angry these days. So be supportive”. By understanding each other like this, you can solve many problems in a healthy way.

02. Relax

As said earlier, when you understand anger, when you feel that you are getting angry, you can do some small tricks to suppress it and control your anger.

Breathe well – do the breathe in breathe out exercise.

Counting backwards – this is a technique we have known since childhood.

Change posture – Change the way you stand. Go out a little. Wait for the wind to pick up.

Drink water – Just like you can extinguish a fire by throwing water on it, anger can also be extinguished by drinking water.

These signals communicate to your brain, “Now I need to get rid of my anger.” At the same time, your focus changes. The feelings of anger are suppressed to some extent.

03. Get Rid of Bad Habits.

If you are losing sleep, you are always on the phone, if you don’t go outside or downstairs, you will have to change those things a little. If you are mixing work and personal life, you have to create a work-life balance.

Due to the content of various alcohols, the body gets excited. That is why aggressiveness emerges. If you have a drink and don’t enjoy it, but want to tingle your hands and feet to annoy others, control your mouth noise.

04. Do Things that Relax Your Mind.

Start doing something like gardening that often conflicts with the environment. Write your thoughts in a journal. Make your living environment an environment that calms you down. Track your moods. Practice meditation, say self-affirmations. Do activities like arts and knitting that practice mindfulness and patience.

05. Get Support

These are some ways you can self-control your anger. If you are not relieved by these, if you cannot control yourself, if you feel like you need help, if your anger has an effect on your well-being in your daily life, get professional help. Get help in life coaching, counselling, and relationship coaching.

Fix the small defects. Then life will change a lot. follow those tips to control your anger,


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