No matter how many good things we do, there are some people who find fault in everything.

There are some people who look at society with the colour of the glasses they are wearing. So until they take off the glasses and look at the world, they only see the world in the colours they want to see. No matter how much we say, they see what they want.

There are some other people who are waiting to cover their arias and humiliate us by pointing out the mistakes of whatever we say or do. So we can be happy enough not to talk about them too.

There are some others who cannot wait for the good things done by others because of the unpleasant experiences they have had in their lives. They want to be happy to see the bad things that happened to them happen to others too. They get cruel pleasure from seeing someone else make a mistake.

There is another group who think that they are the only ones who know everything and that they are the only ones who are good. That is a sign of stupidity.

So no matter how good we try to be, try not to get involved with those who try to drag us down. At first, it will be challenging for you. But if you think and get used to not getting involved with them, later on, you will lose it a lot. 

  • When you post a photo or a post, if someone comments badly on it, leave it as if you didn’t see it. Don’t reply and comment. At least don’t react.
  • If you hear that bad stories are being spread about you, try to stay away from the person telling you about them. Make sure you don’t talk about it with that person anymore. Because that will hurt your heart. Don’t worry about those stories. If you are right, nature will give them proper punishment for those things occasionally.
  • Don’t try to prove yourself right in front of those who come to argue that even when you say the right thing, it’s wrong. Keep quiet.
  • Get rid of people from your life who put on a good face in front of you and criticize you when you are not there. Because a close friend who cuts your throat is more dangerous than an enemy from afar. Don’t think twice and remove them from your life.

We meet people of different races like you in this journey of life. The best thing to do is not to think that it is their mental level.

Go Unnoticed,

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