You Have Come To This World For A Very Short Time.

You have come to this world for a very short time. Within that time, you have a task assigned to you.

That is to do good to the world you are in, to your parents, to your family, especially to you, and to give good things to those around you.

Yes, some people don’t care no matter how well they do. Let’s keep away that kind of people in this.

You are surrounded by people who love you. people who value you. Give them as much good as you can.

And other people don’t know you and haven’t seen you but are eagerly waiting to receive the good things you give. Give good things to them.

We can do good to someone with a word. Comfort someone with just a look.

Anyone who wants to provoke people can. But everyone can’t extinguish burning people.

Be the person who saves someone else. If you are extinguished, you can extinguish someone else.

Don’t ever clash with anyone. Get out of the way as much as you can.

Happiness and comfort are not where they burn, where they go out.

Share the Inspiration, Spread the Joy!

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