First Impressions?

What do you think about people’s first impressions?

We all think that the first impression of someone, or the way we see someone for the first time, is very important.

Yes, it is true. One’s first impression is very important. When the first impression goes wrong, anything like an interview, an affair, a friendship, or a business deal can go wrong. The feeling we get when we see someone for the first time is just as valuable. Either way, we are used to giving great value to the first impression we feel when we see someone.

But, is it true that “first impressions last”?

Didn’t the people who seemed so sweet when they first saw them, and who brought beautiful vibes, later look like poisonous animals too? After suppressing the wow feelings that were given the first time, haven’t such people come with such feelings that we get bored with life after a while?

In the same way, the people who looked evil and evil when you first saw them, later on in your life did not fall into the pile of “best people”? When you see people who were in a chaotic situation, who were messy and messed up, after coming back to normal, don’t you think that those people are very beautiful and tidy?

First impression is important. But people don’t become bad people because they can’t give a good first impression.

We meet many people who feel that they are beautiful when dating, even though the first impression is messed up.

Therefore, with the problems and upheavals of people’s lives, we have to accept that their first impression can be confused to some extent during that time.

That means, when we associate with those people, we can see that there are many different qualities in people than what we imagined from the first impression we felt.

So, really “first impressions last”?

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