Girl touching head


Girl touching head

Your mental health as well as your physical health may have deteriorated due to thinking about something that bothers you for a long time. With a busy life, it’s no wonder you often feel restless, stressed, and physically tired and stressed. But, through them, your health deteriorates unexpectedly. According to doctors, stress is a major cause of various diseases. When our body cannot bear the stress, it starts to show various symptoms. If you have these symptoms in your body, remember that it is time to take better care of your health. Here are 10 signs that your body is under stress.

1. Skin Diseases

Psoriasis, acne and other skin-related problems appeared due to stress. Based on the research done by scientists regarding school students, the facts have revealed that there is a direct effect-relationship between high stress and the occurrence of skin diseases.

2. Constant Weight Changes

Some stressful experiences also affect weight gain. Evidence shows that when a person is repeatedly exposed to stressful events or experiences, the production of cortisol in the body begins to increase. It stabilizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism and raises essential blood sugar levels. It is pointed out that when these hormones are high in a person’s body, he/she may resort to overeating, testosterone production in the body may decrease, and the number of calories burned by the body will begin to decrease. Due to this, the person’s body weight increases.

In some cases, conditions such as stress and anxiety are the factors that cause people to lose weight suddenly. This happens due to the increase in adrenaline hormone levels in the blood. Adrenaline hormones prepare the body to respond to stress. Adrenaline speeds up the metabolism and therefore burns more fat and calories while minimizing fat storage.

Scientists say that weight loss can also occur due to the effect of the corticotrophin-releasing hormone, a peptide hormone secreted by the body in response to stress.

3. Frequent Colds

Stress causes the body to produce cortisol, which suppresses inflammation. However, if a person is under chronic stress, their immune system may become less sensitive to cortisol, and as a result, serious inflammatory conditions may develop in the body. Here, the risk of the person’s body catching conditions such as colds increases. This happens not because of the cold climate but because the immune system is weakened. If you are a person who gets sick often, don’t go to remind yourself about things that bother you. Try to keep those thoughts out of your mind and be happy.

4. Diseases of the Stomach and Intestines 


It has been scientifically proven that stress has a negative effect on the existence of the gastrointestinal tract. There are times when some stomach ailments do not even respond to medical treatment. Here you should seek help from a psychiatrist. He/she will find the root cause of your anxiety condition and provide you with medical help to overcome your stressors.

5. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

It is difficult for a person who suffers from stress for a long time to maintain good concentration. Unlike usual, if you feel that it is difficult to keep your mind focused these days, it is best to relax your mind and get a good rest. Often this condition occurs as a result of nerve stress.

6. Hair Fall/Decrease

Scientists have concluded that stress can cause people to start losing hair and even go bald. If your hair is much less than it used to be, and there is no result despite the vitamin nutrition treatment, then the stressful situation you are facing may be the cause. Stop worrying the mind and try to have a calm and relaxed mind.

7. Headaches

Stress is also one of the causes of headaches. Although pills can relieve headaches, you will not get rid of the distressing nature of headaches unless your mind is relaxed. Stop worrying unnecessarily about things at work or at home or in your personal life or things that tire your mind.

8. Decreased Sexual Desire

Scientists say that the body strength and sexual desire of a person who is constantly suffering from mental stress deteriorates. The stressful situations that the person is facing cause a lack of interest in having sex. Due to this, married life can be severely affected. Spend a happy time with the two and try to forget the confusing nature of the mind. Going on a vacation with your husband/wife would be the best idea.

9. Emergence of Sleep-Related Problems

Exposure to stressful events and experiences is a major factor in the development of serious sleep-related problems. If you have been under a lot of stress for a long time, you may have insomnia. Lack of good sleep affects a person’s daily normal life negatively. This situation can lead to a loss of efficiency as well as satisfaction in life. If sleeping pills do not help, see a doctor immediately. It is very important to find the cause of insomnia and find solutions.

10. Cardiovascular-Diseases

Stressful situations can have dangerous and harmful effects on our hearts. Scientists say that chronic stress is one of the main factors influencing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Due to the effects of physical or mental stress on your body, such as physical overexertion, lack of activity, stressful problems, crises, etc., the risk of heart disease can become serious.

In all this we have to take to our mind is our health situation is also more important to have good mental health.

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