failure women hand


  1. Life isn’t long enough to waste your time on people who don’t respect you, value you, and value you. Make sure to live only with people who give you smiles and love.
  2. Old roads will never lead you to new destinations. If you do in the future what you said you did in the past, you will get in the future only what you got in the past. If you are just chasing success, first of all, change your daily routines and your attitude. Change immediately.
  3. Sometimes when some people look at us and dream to be like us, and learn things from us, we live doubting ourselves and our strengths. Until this doubt is not destroyed, the speed of our journey will decrease tenfold. More than commitment, knowledge, energy, attitude, etc., self-confidence is the most important thing for success.
  4. At times in life, doors close on the paths we have on our way. Doors related to love, marriage, work, relationships with friends etc. can be closed in any area. In such cases tap once twice a maximum of three times. If the other party does not open the door after doing so, leave the road immediately. Because you should never lower your self-esteem to such a low level that you open the doors by force or pity. Instead, you should be in a position where a door of higher value will open for you and wave and speak to you.
  5. Some people we meet in life are not satisfied with anything no matter what we do, no matter how highly we treat them, and no matter how much love we give them. They don’t provide value for what we provide. In such cases, we think that the problem is really within us. No! The problem lies in their perspective on life and on you. Get rid of such people as soon as possible for your mental freedom.
  6. If you want to be successful, first boost your self-confidence. Your best audience should be yourself. If you don’t believe in yourself, how can others believe in you?
  7. You are not reading this message by accident. This is simply a signal from the universe that everything will be resolved soon. At this time, you may be struggling with life, facing rejections, and living with an unspeakable burden in your heart. hold on No storm lasts forever. Everything will change very soon. Be patient and trust yourself. There is not a single human on this earth without problems and tensions. May your battle be won!
  8. Never apologize to anyone for being yourself. Instead, apologize to yourself for taking too long to identify toxic people, expecting love from people who didn’t value you, and making room in your life for opportunists. You should not be close to people who change you to suit their needs, but to people who accept you as you are and value you.
  9. Stop worrying about what could possibly go wrong. Instead, start getting excited by thinking about the things that could go right
  10. Weak people who are not strong enough to pursue their dreams will always find a way to discourage you and stop them from moving towards your dreams. Get away from such people immediately. 
  11. As you woke up today, hundreds of people were breathing their last. You will not realize the true value of a day until the last day you spend in life. So, to avoid regrets on that day, avoid wasting time as much as possible. Spend today with a plan.
  12. Avoid associating with people who always take out their anger on you. Never become a punching bag to take out their anger. Be aware of your boundaries when it comes to socializing.
  13. Giving a second chance to someone you love means you have to pay a significant price in return. The problem is that you have to pay that price with your mental freedom. Be careful to keep them at arm’s length until they prove themselves worthy enough to enter your heart again, even if they are given a second chance after paying the price.
  14. The best method to avoid disappointment is to not expect anything from anyone. And instead of being stuck in a place where you have no rights, where you are not valued, deciding to move forward even with tears in your eyes will undoubtedly become the most valuable decision you will make in life.
  15. Be sure to spend your money on things that money can buy. Spend your time getting things that money can’t buy. If you lose some things that need to be invested in time, no matter how much money you have, you can never get them back. Therefore, live with a very good understanding of the limit that you cannot go with money.
  16. Letting go is the conscious realization that some people are only part of your history and not part of your destiny. That understanding is the foundation of success in life.
  17. If you react to everything people say to you, you will continue to suffer. The most successful quality a person can develop is the ability to observe what other people are saying with restraint, patience and logic without emotion. Never let words control you. In that case, everyone who speaks will have the ability to control you. Smile and let things flow out of your control.
  18. Be thankful for incompatible relationships and toxic people. They teach you life, change you, strengthen you for the future, and prepare you for the right things. If you look at every frustrating event in your life carefully and from different angles, you will begin to see the positivity embedded in it.
  19. Please stop believing that everyone has to like you or agree with you. People don’t do that. It shouldn’t hurt you if someone doesn’t like you. Just believe in yourself and your journey. It’s unique, it’s yours. There are things you want and things you don’t. You have the right to decide what you like and don’t like. Not everyone understands that. You are unique! You are great..!
  20. Bad things happen. Sometimes those things don’t make any sense. Sometimes very unfair. Sometimes those events suck the essence out of you. Bending of the knee may also occur in the presence of pain. But remember that you have to move on anyway. You cannot stand still. The world will never stop for you, even if you say you can’t go one step further. So kneel or walk forward.
  21. Be careful what seeds you allow to take root in the garden of your heart. Not every seed bears good fruit.
  22. When you see something beautiful in someone, be sure to tell them. It may take you a few seconds to put it into words, but those words can stay in their minds for the rest of their lives.
  23. Every struggle you win, and every occasion you celebrate is not good for your mind. Every stranger you invite may have no intention of staying in your life forever. Everything you do for people will not come back to you in the same way. Even if you work to heal their hearts, they will disappear in your difficult times. Just like every plant you water will not grow, you will not get a good result in everything you do. If you understand and live with that reality, your frustrations will be minimized.
  24. People who think that only they are right can never understand anything. You will lose your peace of mind by clashing with such people. And don’t make anyone understand anything more than twice. Maybe they don’t understand because they don’t want to understand.
  25. Tears are the best proof that our body can definitely feel the feelings that our heart feels. The tension that you feel inside must be released through the body to the outside. Think for a moment about the emotions, the tension that has been trapped in your body for years without being released or properly released. Due to those feelings and stress, you may also feel constant aches or pains in some parts of your body. Your body is speaking to you, listen carefully.
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