people suffering


Stress is different from sadness or grief/bereavement

The death of a loved one, the loss of a job or the end of a relationship are difficult experiences for a person to endure. It is normal to develop feelings of sadness or grief in response to such situations. People who suffer from these situations often call themselves “stress sufferers”.

In grief, painful emotions come in waves, often interspersed with positive memories of the deceased. Mainly in stress, low mood/pleasure/affection (happiness) lasts for more than two weeks. In grief, self-esteem is maintained at an average level. But in stress, feelings of worthlessness and self-loathing are common.

In brief, fanciful thoughts may arise that it would be nice to be dead to “join” the deceased loved one, but in major stress the thoughts are focused on the need to end his life, feeling worthless, unfit to live, or unable to cope with the pain of stress to be.

Depression and anxiety can coexist. For some people, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job or a physical assault, or a major disaster can cause stress. When grief and stress coexist, the grief is more severe and can last longer than without stress.

It is important to distinguish between grief and stress, and it is a great help that we as humans can for them to get the help or treatment they need.

“There is no world without you,” Some people say things. Let’s see the mental condition that actually occurs.

That situation is called codependency, Also called Relationship Addiction. What happens in this is that a person spends his day-to-day life psychologically dependent on another person.

Living dependent on another person is not the same as children getting their needs from their parents.

What happens in this is that a person bases their daily life including their mental well-being on the behaviour of another person. Simply, they are losing themselves. Most of the time, this codependency situation is seen in romantic relationships.

Codependency is not a mental disorder. But, this is negative. In some cases, this comes as one of the symptoms of a disease like Dependent Personality Disorder.

Now let’s see some things that happen in this codependency situation.

  • Lack of independence.
  • Feeling insecure about the relationship, if the relationship is lost
  • Thinking that he lives only for the person he loves. Thinking that you can’t live without that loved one.
  • They can’t manage their time as they want. For example, they don’t take time to do their hobbies, relax a little, and things like that.
  • These people have weak self-esteem
  • Difficulty making decisions in the relationship
  • Often thinks about the behaviour of the person they love. And if there is a change in their behaviour, they will quickly become upset
  • Lack of proper confidence in themselves and their love.
  • Even doing things they don’t like in the relationship. Reluctance to express things like “No, can’t”
  • Always thinking about the relationship.
  • Being tempted to do whatever the other person says.
  • Fear of petty quarrels in the relationship.
  • Focus on apologizing even in situations where there is no fault. Sometimes, even if it was the other party who did the wrong, these people try to apologize.
  • Telling the other person everything they do on a daily basis and asking permission from the other person even for things that are not necessary.
  • Constantly expecting the loved one in some fixed/certain way.
  • Having such a fear that they will not be able to live without the relationship, that they will be alone

Such different characteristics can occur.

Things like bad parenting, and physical and mental abuse in childhood influence codependency in some cases.

Codependency has a very negative impact on life. The quality of the person’s life decreases. Many problems can arise because of this.

In many cases, even though the relationship is at a Toxic level, they cannot get out of it because of this strong foundation.

We can solve the codependency situation. You need to understand your situation and do things related to it. You can refer to a psychological counselling service to get the necessary guidance for that.

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