Making a Good Impression: 5 Science-Backed Tips

good impression

Everyone has heard that first impressions and making a good impression are very important, right? According to science, this idea is not just a popular belief, as humans actually form their opinions about others by observing details such as body language, tone of voice, and attitude.

Do you need some tips to achieve it? Take a look at the following five tips.

1) Be careful how you express yourself

Through the way we express ourselves, we can convey confidence, kindness, intelligence, aggressiveness, indifference.

So if you want to make a good impression, it’s important to pay attention to certain details when you interact with others.

People who speak more slowly, for example, may appear more confident, while the most stern tone is associated with the most domineering and aggressive people. So the ideal is to speak clearly and confidently and use a friendly, non-intimidating tone.

Also, the way we gesture can convey nervousness or confidence.

The task is not easy, but with a little practice you can learn to intelligently adjust the pitch and volume of your voice so that others feel more connected and pay more attention to what you have to say. Don’t forget to smile!

2) Look into my eyes

You should make eye contact with your interlocutor in a natural way, without feeling awkward.

Studies show that people who do not maintain eye contact with their interlocutors are perceived as less intelligent than those who know how to use eye contact well.

However, it is important to know how to use and dose this “weapon”. Fixing our gaze on the other indefinitely does not make you a genius. In fact, they say that psychopaths make eye contact with strange patterns.

3) Handshake

We’ve already talked about exchanging hands in self-help resources. Although it may seem a bit banal and simple, a handshake can be remembered for a long time and it can carry you a lot. This is because these greetings can carry information related to tactile memory.

So basically a good handshake is firm, warm and ‘dry’, which means it shouldn’t be loose. You need to be honest (and good eye contact can go a long way in this case).

4) Take care of your appearance

Every person has their own style and people pay a lot of attention to how someone dresses to make a first impression of that person.

There are several studies that show that we judge others based on their appearance.

Hygiene is a factor that can positively or negatively affect the first impression, so you should always be well prepared.

A study found that when it comes to teenagers, length of hair and having a beard can affect people’s perceptions. In general, short hair is more advantageous and “three-day” beards are two attractive aspects for women.

5) Show interest

It is very difficult to make a good impression if we do not establish a relationship of mutual trust in the first touch. It is very important to listen to what the other person has to say and try to connect with them.

A good way to show interest is to learn more about your hobbies and interests.

By the way, be careful not to monopolize the conversation because instead of expressing warmth and kindness, the other party may perceive you as controlling and domineering. If the person sitting with you is interested in what you have to say, then you can tell more about your life

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