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Emotional intelligence is considered an important factor for success and happiness, not only at work but in our relationships and other areas of our lives.

What defines emotionally intelligent people? Here leave you with these seven habits of people with a high emotional quotient.

01). Focus on the positive.

This does not mean that they ignore the bad news but that they make a good decision not to spend too much time and energy on the problems.

Instead, they focus on the positive aspects of a situation and look for solutions to the problem. These people focus on what they can do, and what is under their control.

02). They surround themselves with positive people.

People with high emotional intelligence don’t waste time listening to complaints and tend to avoid negative people.

Negative people are a waste of energy. Emotionally intelligent people spend time with other people who are positive and see the bright side of life.

You can easily spot these people as they smile and tend to attract other positive people.

03). They set boundaries to be firm when necessary.

Due to their friendly and open nature, they may seem childish to some. However, people with high emotional quotients can set boundaries and assert themselves when needed.

They show warmth and care but at the same time their position.

They do not unnecessarily make enemies. Their responses to potential conflict situations are measured. They think before they speak and take time to calm down.

04). They think about the future, not the past.

People with high emotional quotes are too busy thinking about all the possibilities for the future to waste time on things that didn’t work in the past.

They learn from their past mistakes. They never see failure as permanent.

05). They look for ways to make life more fun, joyful and exciting.

Whether at work, at home, or with friends, people with a high emotional quotient know what makes them happy and look for opportunities to expand their happiness.

They enjoy seeing others happy and fulfilled and go out of their way to make someone’s day.

06). They are continuously learning.

People with a high emotional quotient are lifelong learners, constantly growing, evolving, open to new ideas and always ready to learn from others.

They are open to changing their minds if someone has a better idea.

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