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Mental health is something that is uniquely essential to a person. And good mental health is essential for everyone, regardless of gender. But in today’s complex social system, maintaining that good mental health naturally faces various challenges.

Due to the loss of mental balance in the breakdown of good mental health, people can be seen suffering from various mental illness problems. Generally, the same number of men and women experience mental health problems overall, but some problems are more common in women than in men, and on the other hand, various social factors have a direct impact on women’s mental health.

Social and economic issues are often the main factors contributing to women’s mental health problems. In addition, there are other important issues. It is important to be sensitive to gender differences in treatment in order to somehow overcome inequities and problems in one’s mental health. Such insensitivity puts women at greater risk of poor mental health than men.

However, the readiness and understanding of women to talk about their feelings and their strong social roles can help protect their mental health.

The role played by a woman in general through her social roles is not insignificant. Women are particularly exposed to certain factors that increase the risk of poor mental health due to their role and responsibility in society. And traditional roles can increase exposure to these risks. They may also find themselves neglecting themselves in their roles as mothers, partners and caregivers.

As custodians of family health, women have traditionally taken the responsibility of taking care of the health of their family members very willingly. For example, women often serve nutritious and tasty meals to their families. The illnesses of family members are always taken care of. Their mental and physical relaxation is always aimed. Advise family on good health habits. It is a truth that all women must realize that this role is especially important to others as well as to themselves. But many women pay attention to the health conditions of their family very responsibly but do not take proper care of their own health needs. Sometimes it seems to be deliberately avoided.

All women should keep in mind that it is a threat to their good mental health. Although the woman is capable of taking care of her children as well as her partner, parents, other relatives or friends, she shows weakness in taking care of herself. The role of women is great but it sometimes reduces the chances of women living their lives beautifully.

Adolescents are often depressed because of the breakdown of relationships and relationships or lack of understanding to cope with the transformation of puberty. Women between the ages of 35-60 years face physical and mental health problems due to overwork while juggling caring obligations for children, spouses and elderly relatives.

At the same time, women may experience psychological imbalances due to lifelong financial difficulties, work, family care, widowhood or divorce. Some mental health organizations estimate that 20% of adults living at home have symptoms of depression, and that rises to 40% for adults living in nursing homes. The special thing is that the majority of the victims are women.

Also, physical and psychological sexual or other abuse of girls and women can affect their mental health in the long term. They will suffer further if they receive no support, especially in recovering from past abuse. Also, women become more and more isolated by not having a confidant to provide care or share their feelings. Some women find it difficult to talk about difficult feelings and ‘internalize’ them, which can lead to problems such as depression and eating disorders. They may express their emotional pain through self-harm, and men in particular are more likely to act out repressed emotions and use violence against others. Many mental health organizations report that one in four women will need treatment for depression.

Social and economic factors, as well as biological factors such as hormonal changes experienced by women, are thought to contribute to problematic conditions for women’s mental health. It is also believed that 8-15% of women will experience postpartum depression after giving birth.

It is also said to have a strong impact on women’s mental health. Women are twice as likely to develop anxiety disorders as men. About 60% of people with panic or obsessive-compulsive disorder are women.

Worldwide, more women than men suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), largely because women are exposed to more sexual violence. The risk of developing PTSD after any traumatic event is said to be 20.4% for women and 8.1% for men. The impact of this on women’s mental health is not insignificant. Dementia and depression are also more common in women.

Below are some basic things that can be done to get rid of the above-mentioned main issues and the bad conditions that are aimed at women’s mental health or to alleviate them to some extent. These methods are offered by many mental health organizations. Here is their take on remedies and suggestions for women’s mental health. Women’s friendships with other women help protect their mental health and provide a source of support, especially during difficult times or during times of loss or change.

Mentally healthy women are generally more open about their feelings than men and often have stronger social networks of friends and family. Because of this, when they are in trouble, they are more likely to tell a loved one or someone who can provide medical advice. Good social support can contribute to the prevention of mental illness and help people recover from mental health problems.

In the past, it has been consistently heard that women are treated for mental health problems more than men. This reflects women’s greater willingness to admit they are troubled and seek support. It may also reflect physicians’ expectations of the health problems that women and men may face. Suicide is also more common among women. Again, women’s emotional literacy and willingness to talk to others about their feelings and seek help may protect them from suicidal feelings.

Proceed as follows keeping those facts in mind. They will help you maintain good mental health.

Eat well

Eating well is not only important for our bodies, but it is also important for our minds. Certain things like iron and vitamin B12 deficiency can give us low mood. When you realize that you are particularly stressed or anxious, try to eat balanced and your favourite foods. One should never try to restrict or cut down one’s diet.

Avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs

Alcohol and smoking aren’t things we always associate with withdrawal symptoms, but they can be some of the things that affect your mental health. When you’re drunk, you may feel more depressed and anxious the next day, and it may be difficult to concentrate. Drinking too much alcohol over a long period of time can cause you to become deficient. It is bad for our brain function and this can cause severe memory problems, coordination problems, confusion and eye problems. If you smoke in times of mental health imbalance, your body and brain will also be out of balance, which will make you angry. Other drugs often take you out of reality and often cause very low mood and anxiety.

Some of the more severe effects of narcotics include depression and hallucinations. There is also some research that suggests drug use is linked to the development of mental disorders such as schizophrenia.

Get plenty of sunlight

Sunlight is a good source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a very important vitamin for our body and our brain. It helps our brain release chemicals that improve our moods, such as endorphins and serotonin. Try to get some sun exposure when you can, but be sure to keep your skin and eyes protected. Mostly morning light sunlight is good. 30 minutes to two hours of sunlight per day is ideal. During the winter, some people become depressed because they don’t get enough sunlight – this is called seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Some people use a special light therapy lamp to help relieve symptoms.

Manage stress with ease

Knowing what triggers your stress and how to cope with it is key to maintaining good mental health. Get away from things that trigger your stress. Try to manage your responsibilities and worries by making a list or schedule of ways to solve each problem. Often you find that you can manage your problems if you break down your worries and stress and write them down with full understanding. There is no point in spending time thinking about your problems in a pessimistic way. All that is required is skilful planning. Always take care of yourself. Think you are very strong. Believe. Remember not to let your stress control you. Stop worrying about so many things in your mind. Realize that your freedom and ease of mind are most important to you. So if you are under some stress, don’t worry about it. Think of stress as a challenge and you can overcome challenges.

Activities and Exercises

Activity and exercise are essential to maintaining good mental health. Being active not only gives you a sense of accomplishment, but it also improves chemicals in your brain that help put you in a better mood. Exercise can help reduce low mood, anxiety, stress, fatigue and boredom. It is associated with living a long life. You don’t have to run a marathon or play 90 minutes of soccer; a short walk or other gentle activity can be done. Never waste time. Be as active as you like.

Do something you like

Try to make time to do fun things that you enjoy. If you enjoy walking, painting, reading books, or watching a particular TV show, try to set aside time to enjoy yourself. If we don’t spend time doing the things we enjoy, we can feel angry and unhappy. What you like will affect the mind a lot. Listening to songs, singing, and travelling is also very good.

Connect with others and be social

Try to maintain good relationships and talk to people passionately whenever you get the chance. Making friends is important not only for your self-esteem but also for providing support when you’re feeling down. Research has found that just ten minutes of friendly conversation with others can improve memory and mental satisfaction! Always strengthen relationships with your loved ones. Make memories of good loving relationships.

Do things for others

Helping others is good for you too. Helping someone can help your self-esteem and make you feel better about your place in the world. Feeling like an important part of a community is a very important part of your mental health. You can do many things like volunteering for a charity or helping a neighbour and caring for animals. You can achieve self-satisfaction very quickly. Small acts of kindness add value to you.

Ask for help

One of the most important ways to keep yourself mentally healthy is to recognize when you are not feeling well about your mental state and choose the right person to ask for help and discuss your problem with them. There is no shame in asking someone for help if you are feeling more or less stressed. Also, take care to protect your privacy. You can try talking to your friends or parents and partner. Or you can choose a suitable mental health counsellor or doctor for that. If your mental or emotional condition worsens quickly, or if you are worried about someone you know, it is best to seek medical advice and help. He will guide you to find the best options. Never let alone. You are not alone; Talk to someone you trust.

Sharing a problem is often the first step to healing. Especially women should take care of their physical and mental health because if we fear depression, we can’t take care of ourselves. He will lose himself. At the top of our to-do list, we must work to elevate ourselves, because his comfort is within himself. Build a good opinion of yourself. According to mental health experts, the best tool we can use against life’s difficulties is high self-esteem.

Studies show that people with high self-esteem have more confidence in themselves and their abilities. Value mental freedom. Protect It is a service you can do for yourself. Women, you are a major and important, beautiful need of the world. And remember that a mentally strong woman is a gift to the whole world. If so, may you ladies have an auspicious era of good mental health!

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