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standing people

Unbalanced people like,

Many of them not only do not arouse the slightest suspicion among others but also hold a fairly high social position.

Have high self-esteem

Managing and manipulating other people perfectly

A pathological cheater

Difficulty expressing remorse as well as empathy or sympathy for someone

Inability to bond emotionally with other people or create any sense of self in them

Never take responsibility for what he did

Very quickly gives a feeling of boredom and is in constant search for new emotional stimuli

Likes to live at the expense of others

Often self-control is lost

Regularly engage in brief sexual intercourse

Difficulty setting realistic, far-reaching goals

After any decision he takes, he becomes in a listless mood and angry

There was some attack with the young age law

Often they do not keep their promises.

Breaks ties with people after a short period of time

Rules for interacting with an unbalanced person

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chess bord

All of us, in one way or another, face anger and stigma in our lives. Sometimes we are even the initiators of such visions. But when a person can quickly calm down and recover, everything is fine. But there is another case. Who is a mentally unbalanced person, what signs, his behaviour, and how to deal with him? Let’s talk about how you can quickly recognize such comrades, choose tactics for dealing with them, and what is absolutely impossible.

How is it calculated?

The appearance of a person suffering from mental imbalance may change. Some seem to be calm, quiet, and sufficient people until the end. It is not always easy to distinguish an unbalanced person from a calm one.

There are several signs: an unreal tense face, doll-like, frozen look; The behaviour does not include spontaneous actions, there is no easy and light naturalness as if he is trying to control himself; Fingers constantly tangle with something.

When you immediately understand who is in front of you, you can find another option: outwardly tense and nervous, high notes often slipping in your voice or a constantly rising tone, anger for any situation.

In some practice, there were examples of both the first and second. With the latter, it is easier, because you have the opportunity to immediately see an unbalanced person, but you will have to talk first to find out the truth.

What is special about the behaviour of such people? They do not keep promises or change their mind or decision quickly and suddenly. It is difficult to rely on them because today they say one thing, and tomorrow they may do something completely different.

Even in behaviour or conversation, one can find ways in which a person crosses the boundaries of the norm. There are extremes in the conversation, you will see that such a person cannot be convinced; the whole world revolves around his idea and sees some specific, hidden motive in everything.

The problem with communication arises because we cannot predict what they will do next. With the average person, we can somehow guess the reaction and the next action. In unbalanced people, the mood changes quickly, often even for no apparent reason.

We all lose our temper sometimes. There is nothing dangerous or criminal here. The average person is able to pull themselves together and quickly reach a state of balance and calm.

The difference between unbalanced people is that they cannot quickly return to a calm state. Often there is an increase in hysteria, an increase in the level of aggression.

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man sitting


A separate case is worth mentioning. People with pronounced qualities such as heartlessness, lack of empathy, selfishness and deceit have only superficial emotional reactions.

Agree, in modern cinema and literature, the image of a sociable, sociable, selfish hero is sung. Millions want to imitate them; they take everything from them as a blueprint without thinking about the deeper meaning of the character. Forget that it’s just a character.

Such people deliberately start behaving rudely and unfriendly people, considering this as an interesting feature of their character. Social norms and morals are defied. They do not care about the desires of others; they want to fulfil their dreams.

Sometimes such behaviour is born in childhood, for some the first signs appear already at the age of consciousness. Some have personal qualities.

Your behaviour

When we understand how to define such a person, the question remains – how to deal with it?

Remember the basic principle of communication with such comrades – do not engage in conflict.

If you remember this rule and follow it, it will be easier for you to be with unbalanced people. Better yet, try to avoid contact with them.

It is necessary to communicate with them extremely politely and calmly, showing that everything is fine. Some unbalanced people have deeply hidden reasons for this behaviour. They want to keep everything under control, break down, and start hysteria.

Therefore, your task is to show them that everything is fine and that everything is under control, and try to calm them down.

standing men and women
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Don’t yell, swear, get into a verbal argument, or try to give advice or moralize. You may have a righteous intention and the right desire, but it can only make the situation worse because the reaction of such people is unpredictable.

Argue or don’t argue. It is best to avoid conflict altogether. Withdrawal, non-participation and not engaging with the situation on an emotional level.

What if anger accelerates, do you realize that a person may harm himself or others? Feel free to seek professional medical help.

Don’t try to cope alone.

For example, if your boss is clearly an unbalanced type and you have to communicate with him, try to be calm, and polite and do not create a conflict. Save your nerves.

Do you have similar personalities among people you know? How do you deal with their anger and slander?

Calmness and a polite smile are your best weapons!

Who is the mentally unbalanced person? Let’s talk about them in the next episode

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