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What is Mental Well-being?

This abstraction is associated with beliefs and expectations, empowering the individual and surrounding them with a context of calm and hope. 

There is much talk of the welfare state today, but who can create mental well-being in war? Certainly, the path to well-being depends on oneself, however, environmental conditions influence it. Likewise, we must not forget that the definition of mental well-being can vary from one culture to another.

Mental Well-being consists of six dimensions they are as follows,

  • Self-acceptance
  •  Positive relationships with others
  • Life has a purpose 
  • Personal growth 
  • Self-control 
  • The domain of the environment

They all feed off each other and provide an essential form of mental well-being.

Habits to Improve Mental Well-being

Taking the above into consideration, we have complied at least 15 habits, below that will help you achieve better mental health.

01. Accept What You Cannot Change and Love Yourself

Self-acceptance is the key to well-being. If we want to psychological well-being to be an unfailing moment rather than an enduring trait, we must learn to love ourselves and accept ourselves as we are. We must accept what may happen to us when it is inevitable and turn the page when we cannot control it. In short, if you can’t change it, accept it

02. Do What You Love

Logically, if you don’t do what you love, you won’t achieve mental well-being or happiness. This applies to both your work and hobbies. As for the latter, you will feel better at times doing what you love.

When it comes to working. if you don’t enjoy what you’re doing or you don’t feel developed, your mental well-being will suffer. People spend many hours at work, and if we get bitter every time we enter the place where our services and products are offered, this will affect our everyday life and our emotional balance.

03. Sleep Well

Sleep time is very important. When we fail to get a good night’s sleep or suffer from insomnia, our quality of life, our emotional balance and our mental well-being are seriously affected. 

Therefore, good sleep hygiene is essential for good mental health. Sleep hygiene is a set of habits that help us sleep better.

04. Sorry

Forgiveness is closely related to our mental health. This includes not only forgiving others but also forgiving ourselves. It is very important if we want to restore emotional balance in our lives and mental well-being. Otherwise, if resentment takes hold of us, our happiness is robbed.

05. Self-Realistic Goals

When experts emphasize the importance of goals in our lives and the goals we set ourselves. This is mainly due to various reasons but mainly the goals we set for ourselves are our essential motivation and are related to our happiness. However, if these goals are unrealistic, we will be disappointed and, over time, we will suffer the negative consequences of having an irrational expectation. Objectives must be achieved.

06. Surround Yourself with Friends

Positive relationships are necessary for our mental well-being. In fact, there are many studies that prove that friendship and having an active social life have a positive effect on our happiness and our mental health.

07. Be Proactive

People who enjoy the greatest mental well-being are always on the go, and active. This means they feel powerful and take risks. This is what refers to autonomy. 

08. Feed Yourself Healthily

Nutrition is also related to our mental and emotional health. As psychologist says there is an inverse relationship between food and our emotions. What we eat affects not only how we feel, but also how we feel. This explains why our eating habits change when we are stressed, or why eating well affects the throughout the day. 

09. Play Games

Another healthy habit is playing sports. Although we often associate exercise with physical well-being, this practice also affects us on a psychological level. Sports training release chemicals in the brain, such as endorphins or serotonin. They make us feel better and improve our outlook on life.

10. Reflect and Connect with Yourself

It’s hard to stop for a moment and think about who we are or what our emotional state is today. The fast-paced society we live in makes it hard for us to look inside. We are always aware of what is outside.

Stopping for a second and reflecting is one of the best options for achieving our well-being. To do this, you need to devote 15 to 20 minutes a day to yourself. For example, filled out an emotional diary before going to bed. 

11. Medicate

Another way to connect with yourself and your emotion is through medication. Medication gives you a moment of inner peace and helps you connect with yourself and your body. Scientists’ studies show that learning to medicate has a very positive effect on our well-being, as people who practice this practice have greater mental well-being.

12. Practice Gratitude and Compassion

Today, psychologists use psychotherapy as a therapeutic tool, knowing the benefits it brings to people’s well-being. Mindfulness is a philosophy that uses medication to be present in the here and now, but it follows a set of principles or values. These are awareness, self-acceptance non-judgmental mindset, compassion for ourselves and others, and gratitude.

13. Live in the Present

In addition, the mind also has a current method of setting aside irrational expectations. It helps you to know your own feelings about yourself. Come because if you don’t know where you are now, you can’t go anywhere.

14. Get out of your Comfort Zone

Before mentioning that it’s a symptom of empowerment that people need to be active to achieve greater well-being, another reason to be active is to get out of your comfort zone. A comfort zone is a learning, non-growing zone that limits you as you grow and develop. Not improving yourself is not mental well-being. So staying in your comfort zone is not good for you.

15. Practice Emotional Intelligence

Emotions play a very important role in our well-being. Research shows that emotionally intelligent people have more life satisfaction and are happier. Knowing your own emotions and the emotions of others and regulating them if necessary avoids many conflicts and ultimately gives us better well-being.

“Mental health is not a destination, but a process. It’s about how you drive, not where you’re going”

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