happy girl positive girl smiling girl


  • You should be able to find your own happiness. Feel that happiness with your soul. But that happiness should be found within oneself and not through others. You should have the strength to bear the pain. Anyway! It’s ok to scream, it’s ok to cry for days. And you have to be able to handle rejection. You should be able to understand it and get out of there in the first second that you are rejected. If so, the life you are looking for is not far away. The difference is that it’s close but you don’t go looking for it!

Find life and fly away!

  • Find happiness in the little things in life. Maybe you are currently stuck in a place in your life. Or you have a lot of work in your head, you have stress. But there are things in your life to be happy about!

A lot of happy things are happening in your daily life, and are happening now, but you don’t care about them. It is a small thing, it is dismissed as a crime. But you choose a single word or event from an exchange that happened in less than a second. Why can’t you find happiness in small things?

At least if you had your favourite food and the tastiest food for your lunch today, that is also a reason to be happy. If you got to help someone today, that is also a reason to be happy. If you are a puppy lover, you may be happy to have a small puppy running after you while you are walking down the street. Even if it takes ten seconds, those ten seconds are enough for you to enjoy. So how many small happy, special things like that happen in a day? So don’t forget to be happy in life like other things in life.

We want to live not just because we were born. You have to spend the life you got beautifully. Life doesn’t always have problems, today’s pressure doesn’t always exist. So don’t think too much about anything.

Add the happy things that happened that day to a folder in your life. If you don’t have things that make you happy, go find them. Spend even a second of the day for you. Spend a little time in the day to be happy. 

Be happy!

  • You have to be selfish where you want to be selfish in life! Be selfish and put yourself first. Because it has become clear in many situations in life, that in the end, “I am the only one left” when it is necessary to be selfish and altruistic!

There have been places in life where it felt very hard to be careful of those around you and to be careful of yourself. So be careful.

Because some things are hard to get rid of once they become infected

Be selfish where you want to be selfish in life!

So love you in life, put you first, make you happy, develop yourself, always choose you, even if the last bad thing happens in life, hug you tight!

  • Don’t go criticizing something that anyone likes, smell, or food because you don’t like it!

Someone used branded things, don’t make it a problem!

Don’t criticize what you did, whether you had a birthday party or gave alms!

If someone doesn’t go home even on vacation, don’t ask why!

If you have been single for a long time, don’t ask for reasons!

If someone is going out for a coffee alone, don’t ask why they are going alone!

If you don’t keep money and spend it, don’t ask why! He has a reason for that!

It is the will of the people! It is the freedom of the people. It is a right of the people. There is no law that says we have to be the way we want other people to be. Try to live without a word or a bother to another person. People want to live freely.

People do what they like and do what they like to be happy, so don’t be an obstacle to that happiness. Allow other people freedom. In short, let people be at a loss!

Share the Inspiration, Spread the Joy!

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