mental health



‘Depression’ is a medical condition in which someone suffers from negative attitudes for a long time. It is more serious mental distress than occasional sadness or mental pain. A person suffering from depression often shows symptoms of ‘Anxiety’ or being overly fond of something or having anxiety.

In some cases, feeling pain in the heart is a feeling experienced by a normal person, but depression is a medical condition that requires medical treatment.

Recently, famous western singers like Selena Gomez and Lady Gaga publicly disclosed that they suffered from depression and fought a strong struggle to overcome it.

“I had to get over it. I had everything I wanted and I was completely falling apart inside. I tried to act like it was nothing but I tried to hide it for so long that I realized I was hurting myself,” the pop star said at the American Music Awards. Singer Selena Gomez described her experience to the media.

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Medical treatment should be sought

The BBC ‘News Round’ program asked a psychiatrist about the mental illness conditions of ‘anxiety’ or depression, which is continuous worry and fear of possible danger, and inconvenience.

Depression is different from anxiety. “A depressed person is always in a lot of pain and sadness,” says psychiatrist Stephen Buckley, explaining depression.

“We all feel sad at some point in our life. It is normal. But depression makes someone sad for a long time like a whole day, a few weeks, and a month. Due to that, it can have a severe impact on their life. Loneliness can occur with it.”

Why does depression occur?

Scientists have not yet been able to find a definite answer to that question.

It is difficult to pinpoint exactly what causes someone to develop depression.

When a person is excessively sad, the long-term persistence of those feelings that he or she faced may lead to depression.

Specialist Dr. Stephen Buckley explained that there are cases where depression can be caused by one or several factors.

“There are many reasons why a person can become depressed. For example, he or she has problems at home or at school. For reasons such as being bullied, a negative attitude towards oneself can occur.”

How does depression affect daily life?

Depression affects different people to different degrees.

The extent to which someone is suffering from depression can be accurately judged by observing the nature of their emotions.

Depression can cause someone to spend long periods of time grieving, and another sufferer to have very negative attitudes about themselves and suffer from feelings of worthlessness.

Symptoms such as feeling very tired often, having trouble sleeping and sometimes sleeping more than necessary can be symptoms of a person suffering from depression.

And due to irregular eating patterns, sometimes loss of appetite, eating more than necessary and developing unhealthy eating habits can also be symptoms.

Difficulty concentrating

Doctors point out that the symptoms of depression can be difficulty focusing on something as well as the presence of a persistent restless nature.

A person suffering from depression for a long time may lose the opportunity to spend happily, as well as dislike even the hobbies they loved before becoming ill and feel that their physical strength has decreased.

Loss of self-confidence and lack of interest in any activity are other symptoms.

Proper Treatment

“If someone is suffering from ‘anxiety’ or depression, it’s important to talk to someone they trust as soon as they notice a change in their behaviour or feeling sad,” explained psychiatrist Steven Buckley.

“Take a break from your daily routine and get the necessary advice and help. If you recognize the symptoms of depression, don’t hesitate. Get the medical advice you need to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Depression is a common medical condition, and medical experts emphasize that it can be cured with proper treatment.

“Don’t hesitate to share any problem with someone you care about, no matter how small. It can be the first step in overcoming depression.”

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