When we see the daily news, we see that there is a deterioration in the mental health of people in many countries today. An increase in various acts of violence such as crimes, murders, abuses, suicides etc. can also be observed. Therefore, the time has come to look into the causes of this, take the current crisis situation as an opportunity and take immediate measures. 

At present, the nature of mental stress can be seen growing rapidly in most countries. What are the reasons for this?

At present, there is a rapid increase in mental stress among people. The main reason for this increase is the economic crisis they are currently facing. Although this has not been confirmed by the research factors of many countries, if there is an economic crisis in any country in the world, it will definitely affect the mental health of the people of that country. Especially in countries like this, there is a tendency to increase stress, depression and suicide. Because when there is an economic crisis, people can lose their jobs. Losing a job means the entire economy of a family collapses. Even if a person has a job, job security is low.

That risk is also bad for mental health. The other thing is that they cannot maintain the lifestyle they want with the money they earn from their current job. Due to the economic crisis, the price of every product is high. Losing the way of life to which one is accustomed is also not good for mental health. People from all walks of life, especially in this kind of country, cannot live the lifestyle they used to live in the past. As a result, stress and other mental illnesses have increased.

How does this situation affect the development of violence in the youth community?

Especially the current uncertainty about the job security of the youth community and unemployment has a negative effect on mental health, resulting in the development of various acts of violence in society. According to the Frustration-Aggression theory taught in psychology, “All have nothing to do now”. People get frustrated when they can’t do anything against any person or institution even though there are various reasons for the economic crisis. Then people releases that frustration and pressure on someone else.

Because of that, violence is created. When there is no way to vent the anger that rages in the youth community, violence can occur in the family or on the street or in any relationship in society. Learned helplessness, especially among the people representing the middle class, emerges through the various forms of violence.

Young educated people are leaving the country due to the collapse of goals and frustration. The educated classes, who cannot leave the country, become helpless and suffer from depression. In turn, this can lead to increased aggression and suicide.

In this case, many countries were at the top among the highest number of suicides in the world. It may go higher now. Not only that, when mental stress increases in society, it is possible to see an increase in the use of drugs. Due to this, the youth community is resorting to violence and crime. And family problems are increasing. Divorces are increasing. The institution of marriage falls apart.

Is increasing crime and homicide in society a result of declining mental health?

The stress caused by the economic crisis is emotional for individuals. Affect the regulations. Then impulses cannot be controlled. This is why innocent people were killed in the oil queues and on the highway. Not being able to control the anger inside the heart comes from someone else. Therefore, due to the occurrence of violent acts, various types of crimes can be seen to increase in both women and men. This is evident when you watch the daily news.

Is it advisable to strictly enforce the law to control the increase of these acts of violence in society?

The law should be implemented to punish any violent acts. But it is only a short-term solution – not a long-term solution. By enforcing the law, some people can be prevented from committing violent acts. But it is a temporary patch. If people want to be happy, they need to build the economy.

But it cannot be done at once. Social welfare programs can be implemented in the short term. But it is not enough. Therefore, an urgent program is needed to improve people’s mental health. It should not be that all prisons are filled with criminals just because the law has been implemented. Taking society to the point of closing prisons.

You can also see the increase in the mental stress of children studying in universities, schools and pre-schools, right?

In the research reports done by Save the Children Institute, it was mentioned about the increase in violence among children. Not only children but we all have long-term stress. Before this economic crisis came, we were all hit by the Covid epidemic. Because of Covid, people’s lifestyle has changed a lot. After waiting for the covid’s end, the economic crisis came as soon as it was resolved to some extent. This is not a problem that can be solved quickly. This long-term stress affects people in one way or another.

Especially young children have no way to vent their frustrations. So the aggression is high. Impulse control is difficult. Some children are less able to express their feelings depending on their developmental status, language skills and temperament. They also see the stress of parents due to economic problems. Sometimes the parents may not have money to buy food and drinks that they did not get before. Because you are working hard to earn money, you may have less time for your children. Mental health in the family also affects the mental health of children.

Due to this, eating disorders, sleeping problems, educational problems and behavioural disorders have occurred in children. Moreover, there is an increase in mental stress due to children being socially isolated during the Covid period, being focused on online education for almost two years, and due to economic and other problems. This situation has gone as far as depression and suicide.

What can we do to promote mental health in society?

There are several parties that should take initiative for this. Examples include government, religious leaders and counselling services. The government should, first of all, take the necessary measures to build the country’s economy. At the same time, measures should be taken to improve the mental health of the people of the country. Psychiatrists have also focused on this. Family counselling should also be expanded.

Every family should take the form of a unit and develop their ability to bear and face challenges. Adaptation to this crisis should not be done. The nature of coping and coping in our country is a little different. Most of the time, people think that whatever problem comes up, they have to get used to it. But it should not be done. Instead of waiting for something else to happen, we should actively react to how we can get out of this.

Religious institutions and leaders need to work to increase the spiritual healing of people. Not only relief bags and subsidies should be given, but programs that cultivate mental health and promote higher education should be popularized. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, programs that increase mental health should be implemented while fulfilling the basic needs at the first level. Especially rural people should be made aware of this nature. Projects should be launched to improve mental health in pre-schools, school children and universities.

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