Even now, research is being done in western countries on the possibilities of curing diseases using meditation.

It has already been confirmed by the research done by Western scientists that many diseases can be cured by meditation. The human mind is restless. Restlessness makes the mind sick. When the mind is sick, the body is also sick. That is why it is important to improve the constant flow of thoughts in the human mind. Meditation is the training of the mind. Controlling the mind, relaxing it, and restoring the depleted mind are done through meditation.

If so, this article explains how to cure diseases through meditation.

How to heal diseases through meditation

How to cure physical diseases

Meditation reduces or stops the scattering of the mind. Silence arises in the mind because the various streams of thoughts arising in the mind are blocked. Because of this silence, people feel comfort and peace. Scientists have discovered that due to this exercise, a hormone called “endorphin” is secreted from the pituitary gland of the brain.

They have named this hormone Pleasure hormone. Scientists have proven that these hormones can cure a large number of diseases because the body’s immunity increases.

Due to displeasure or anger, stress hormones and other biochemicals that are secreted in a harmful way to the body through more distractions of the mind cause the body’s immunity to decline blood circulation speed increases, and various diseases occur. Meditation can reduce this harmful biochemical secretion. This is also the main proof to cure or alleviate diseases.

Because meditation trains the mind, the ability to control food intake through the control of desires can alleviate the diseases that increase due to unnecessary food. Examples include diabetes, high cholesterol, etc.

How to cure mental illness

The medical scientific discovery is that the cause of depression is the reduction of the biochemicals (Neurotransmitters) related to the nervous system in the blood. These biochemicals are depleted as thoughts increase due to various problems. Because meditation stops the thoughts or phenomena, the concentration of these depleted biochemicals in the blood starts to increase again.

Scientists have found that depression is cured by increasing the concentration of these biochemicals. Dementia is a mental disease of memory loss due to the degeneration of brain neurons. Meditation has also been found to increase the growth of neuron cells in the brain. Meditation can also prevent the above disease from occurring. Even physical diseases such as headaches and body pains caused by depression are cured.

Reducing anger

“Don’t get angry” to calm people down immediately if they get angry. Anger can be reduced by repeating a spell to oneself, “Anger is not good.” Applying this frequently as soon as a tantrum occurs can reduce the flare-up of tantrums. If you want, you can use this method to reduce or control any feeling or desire or thought.

To Reduce Pain

When any pain arises, chanting the spell “This is good, this is good” can relieve or cure the pain. By chanting “this is good” as a spell for a long time, the mind will accept its pain as a good thing. Then the mind becomes satisfied with pain and becomes friends with pain. This can relieve pain.

When there is any severe pain, if one is patient with this good spell for long enough, the mind will not be able to focus on the pain for long enough, and the mind will leave the pain altogether. Then the pain disappears completely. Even severe pain can be cured in this way even without painkillers if there is good tolerance.

A better understanding of what is happening in the present through meditation or the benefits of improving the week-progress, Because the thoughts (phenomena) that arise in the mind stop during Tranquility cultivation (Samatha medication) and inner silence develops, the ability to focus one hundred per cent on what is happening at the moment or the week improves.

This will improve the ability to stay focused on something continuously for a long time without losing focus. This provides many benefits to improve the activities of daily life. That is.

Development of Education

Anyone who is educated while listening to a lecture is able to retain 100 per cent of that lecture in their memory. Scientists have found that intelligence (I.Q) increases with meditation practice. They have found that even neutron cells in the brain grow and the size of the brain increases with meditation.

Development of Games

As the week progresses, the focus is 100 per cent on what is being done. It is a great help to improve the sports skills of the players. Meditation helps to have good energy in sports because the body’s energy increases due to various positive hormones (Anabolic Hormones) secreted by meditation.

An increase in the quality of objects coming from the five senses as the week progressed, people were able to focus 100 per cent on the food people were eating without leaving people’s attention when people were eating. Therefore, if there is a 100 value of the taste of your food, you can experience the same 100, so you can feel that the food you eat has more taste than usual.

Because people have a good focus on food, they are able to control the amount of that food and even control their appetite. In this way, the taste of the sensations from all five senses increases.

The power to control them also increases. As the ability to concentrate 100 per cent on household chores or work at work increases, the efficiency of one’s work also increases.

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