girl in grasss dreaming


  1. Just because you’re angry doesn’t mean you’re right. Just because you feel sad doesn’t mean you’re guilty. When you are sensitive, your emotions take control of your mind and magnify the situation that caused the sensitivity. It will lead you astray by emotions. Never make rash decisions when you are emotional. Take a deep breath and plan only after calming down the situation and the challenge ahead of you.
  • Your life will change dramatically when you focus only on what you can do and not on what others expect of you.
  • Maturity means not fighting back and getting angry with people who fight with you in order to relieve the pain of the fires inside and release the tension.
  • You are not the next version of your parents. You are a unique version of yourself. Being the person your parents expect you to be can never give them eternal happiness. Because the pain of suppressing who you should be will drag your life down in the future and fill your mind with frustration. Be the best version of yourself, not the best version of your parents.
  • Peace of mind will continue to improve by not confronting people who misunderstand you to correct those mistakes.
  • Whenever you feel stuck between your own feelings and what others believe is right, choose what makes you happy. Or everyone will be happy except you. Finding your happiness is up to you. Remember that the most powerful relationship a man can have is with his inner self.
  • You have to choose the mood you want. Don’t let any person make you angry, lose your peace of mind or make you feel down. Simply put, don’t give any other man the power to change your mood. Until you stop giving, you will not find true happiness.
  • Is life filled with long hours of unsolved problems, unbearable stress, anxiety, endless struggles with your mind, painful loneliness, trouble after trouble, frustrations and mistakes? excellent! You are on the path to success. Hold on, it’s all for a while. Whenever you feel like giving up, remember the reason you started!.
  • Nature will give you what you deserve in due time. Nature is not disturbing at all. The gift of your anxiety is stress and frustration. Do not compare what you have got with what other people have got, work hard and wait patiently.
  1. Life is never perfect no matter how hard you try. Even if you have the best luck or are the richest man in the world, you will never be perfect. Your heart will still break hundreds of thousands of times. There will be days when everything goes wrong. All negative situations like break ups, failures and misfortunes come to us till death and always accept them with love and a smile. If you are at all stressed by those conditions, you will have to live with stress forever.
  1. Live in reality. Don’t look for easy ways to success
  1. When you win life through success, no one cares to find out how many failures and defeats you faced. People who smile at you today will throw victory parties for you that day. You will proudly whisper that you are their friends and relatives. It doesn’t matter how far you fell yesterday. Today is a new day! Come on let’s try again!
  1. Everyone who comes close to you in life will hurt you sooner or later. Then you definitely have to make a decision. Is it pain? Is the person?
  1. Always make sure that problems related to romantic relationships never arise with people you do not have a romantic relationship with.
  1. There are two ways you can follow to be happy. The first is understanding reality. The second is to limit your hopes and dreams.
  1. It is very difficult to work hard for your cause when nobody believes in you when nobody applauds you. In such cases, you will have to be your only fan. If no one is there you will have to applaud yourself for yourself.
  1. When you feel sad, frustrated and stressed in your life, don’t panic and take some time to relieve your stress. Both the body and the mind need time to heal when they are injured. Time doesn’t erase anything, but it gives you considerable room to breathe again.
  1. Maturity means understanding that you don’t have to explain what you’re doing and your future plans to everyone you meet in life. Especially for people who are waiting to destroy your peace of mind!
  1. You are created by the way you have invested time in the past. If you want to change the future, start today by changing how you invest your time.
  • A Pisces who listens more than talks is truly a blessing. Rare are the people who don’t find your story of woe to be a bother or a burden when you share it with them. Not everyone can see the pain behind your silence and the stress behind your smile. Having people you can show your heart to without any hesitation is the greatest asset you can have in this world.
  • People can never delete their previous version. If you actually change, that previous version will expire over time. Never go out of your way to tell people that you have changed. Only through your own success let people know that your old version is out of date. Giving people who are stuck in a monotonous lifestyle a chance to wonder is a virtue of a kind.
  • How you start the day can make it a great day or a completely miserable day. That is, the attitude and actions you carry in the morning have a huge impact on the whole day. Start the day with a smile as bright as the sun, a calm mind and a grateful heart. Thanks to the positive mindset, it will definitely be a wonderful day.
  • You should find a partner with a beautiful heart, not a pretty face. Not everyone with a beautiful face has good character and attitude. But everyone with good character and attitude is very beautiful.
  • Forgive all those who attacked you, put you down without giving value, insulted you, used you for their needs and wants, and said wrong things where there is none. But more than that, be careful to forgive yourself for letting those people come into your life and hurt you.
  • 25. Above all, if you want to achieve success, you must learn to deal with people’s emotions correctly.
  • If you see red flags in your relationship early on, you should make a quick decision to get out of it. Be sure to know exactly what red flags you’re seeing, or pretend you don’t see red flags and you’ll be speeding toward doom.
  • Some people are just amazing. One thing to appreciate about them is that no matter how badly they are treated, how much they are pulled down and crushed by society, and how much they are humiliated, they can give a heart of gold and endless love even through tears. It is one of the most endearing qualities that none of them can take away. May such hearts shine forever!
  • Never describe yourself, and why you did things the way you did in the past. Your friends won’t want it and your enemies won’t believe it. 
  •  Every little smile can touch someone’s heart. No one is born happy, but we are all born with the ability to create happiness. Spend time smiling. Always be happy!
  • Don’t let people’s negative comments and attitudes get in the way of the limitations you put in place to maintain your peace of mind. You set boundaries to protect your inner peace, not their feelings
  • Life is like a wild party. You invite many people. Some of them leave early, some stay until the end of the party, some laugh with you, and some laugh at you. A person secretly recites the vices of the party. Eventually, the land becomes polluted with garbage. Only a few people are left at the end to help clean up and deal with the mess. Most of the time they are not the ones who caused chaos at the party or behaved disorderly. So aren’t they the most important people at the party?
  • Being silent doesn’t mean you have nothing to say. It means that you know that they are not ready to listen to your thoughts.
  • If you want to find peace and freedom in your life, you must be able to break all ties with people, things and places that make unpleasant noises in your life.
  • Some people appear in your life when you need them the most. They will love you and elevate your life. They remind you of the best even when you are at your worst. Never leave. Such people are not just friends, they are angels on earth.
  • It is important to share our experiences with other people so that sharing your story heals you as well as others. When you tell your story, you set yourself free. And not having to face the events that you have faced, the other gets the opportunity to experience that experience. For example, if you can get the life experiences of a fifty-year-old man without spending fifty years, sitting comfortably with him and enjoying a cup of tea in one evening, you will get a lot of lessons. And you will have 50 years left to pay for those lessons.
  • Sometimes when toxic people can’t manipulate or control you, they may try to influence how others see you. It will give you severe blows socially. Once someone is identified as a toxic person, getting rid of him or her cannot be done suddenly and often requires a good plan. Be patient in such cases.
  • If you feel like you have to suffer forever because of a breakdown in life, remember how much you and the people around you have changed in just the past year! Remember the number of people who have walked out of your life, the number of people who have left you, the number of new memories you have made, and the number of memories you have forgotten. You will realize that the pain and stress you are going through now will never last forever.
  • Don’t waste your precious time and energy wondering if things and circumstances around you were different. We have no ability to change the external environment around us. Stop complaining and start working. Then you will be able to move to another comfortable environment.
  • Relationships last long not because of the auspicious and loving times and moments that existed between the two. Relationships last long because the problems and situations faced in bad times are handled by both with love and wisdom understanding each other.
  • Don’t get too attached to any person, place, institution or organization. Instead stick to your dreams, the goals that will lead you to success. He who lives in such a way can achieve success by maintaining balance in his power and peace in his mind.
  • When people insult you, don’t get angry with them. Don’t take it personally. But definitely listen to them. They tell you the way they see the world and the negative qualities in their words. Then decide whether or not to keep a person with that attitude in your life.
  • A seed knows only one purpose. It means that you can live by seeing sunlight. No matter how harsh the soil, the seed tries to see the sunlight. Don’t be swayed by what other seeds say on that journey. Neither compares nor complains. It never leaves the game because it is tiring. Only through relentless and frantic effort will the seed see the light of day. Try madly.
  • Every person has value, but the extent of that value varies depending on the environment they are in. That’s why some drops of water make a rainbow, while others make mud pits. Therefore, be as careful as possible about the places where you stay.
  • You should keep boundaries in your life not to push people out of your life, but to show that you too have self-respect, worth and a maximum level of tolerance.
  • Strong people never put others down in any way. Only a handshake will do to get to the top. 
  • ​​When someone is mean, don’t listen to what they say. When someone is rude, walk away from them. When someone tries to bring you down, be strong mentally and stand firm. Never let someone else’s bad behaviour destroy your peace of mind.
  • If you feel that life is getting tougher, challenge yourself that you must be stronger to face all these difficult situations.
  • If you are being yourself in every way, if you are giving your best, but the RESULT is not enough, then don’t worry too much about it. A seed stuck under the soil faces a big battle for some time before seeing the sunlight. Even if it seems that there is no RESULT, all those efforts contribute to the task of seeing the sunlight. In the end, the earth will split and see the light of the sun at the same time. So don’t worry too much about the result. Just worry about giving your best.
  • Your future is your responsibility and no one can take it for you. When you work hard, when you take risks, when you struggle, and when you sleep for your dream, you slowly create your future. When you hold on to attachments and hang on to them, when sleep is your life, when you make excuses and are lazy, you are slowly destroying your future.
  • Everyone wants only happiness and no one. No need for pain. But rainbows do not form with little or no rain. In the same way, to create the happiness you seek, sometimes you will have to go down painful paths.
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