Angry man


Friends who cheated on you, lovers who betrayed you, girlfriends who lied to you, people who cheated on you after being together, relatives who cheated on you, people who forgot the virtues of spit, when you remember that set, you feel like going and looking for a place to stay, don’t you?

You felt it at that time, Have you not been able to bear the anger, anger, anger, gritted your teeth, hit the nearby table, cried and vented your anger, and exploded under the pressure until you had a chance to give the return?

What did you get for saying that you attacked angry people and kept that anger in your heart?

Happiness, comfort, freedom, did you get any of these???

That’s all it took to get revenge on those who hurt you

I didn’t sleep well at night, I didn’t touch my body after eating, I didn’t feel happy, I got depressed, I was disappointed, I wasted my time thinking about it, I lost work, my blood was bad,

But, still, that anger is not over.

Come to think of it, who has lost more by going to give the return to those who hurt you??

For him or for you?

Although you thought to attack each other and take revenge on each other, you are really taking revenge on yourself, right? You are the one who lost, right?

I didn’t sleep well at night, I didn’t touch my body after eating, I didn’t feel happy, I got depressed, I was disappointed, I wasted my time thinking about it, I lost work, my blood was bad,

It’s like you were drunk with the intention of killing someone else!!!

After today, if someone does evil to you if you hurt your heart if you become unfriendly,

If cheated, learn from the incident and forgive the person.

There is also a story that to err is a human trait and to forgive is a divine trait.

You don’t need to be a god, if you want to be a happy person, first forgive your enemies.

Don’t be so stupid as to waste your time thinking about someone who wronged you and loses your work.

It is more difficult to bear the burden of the mind than to bear the burden of the body.

So why do you reluctantly carry unnecessary heavy things? The lighter the weight of the hanging bag, the greater the distance you can travel.

So get rid of the people who have accumulated experiences that hurt you and lose unnecessary weight. Spend the time you spent hating those people for your future.

No matter what you think twice about giving if you want to forgive someone, don’t think twice, give it at once.

There is no punishment in the world as severe as forgiving someone.

The giver gets a lightness that will be remembered for a lifetime, but the receiver adds an unforgettable regret to his life…

You’ve heard that you get as much as you give, right? As much as you “forgive” others, you get “comfort” 

Try to forgive even the last angry person in your heart right now with a smile, you will feel more relaxed than you think.

From tomorrow, friends in the heart’s list, and leaving only experiences,

Give your enemies a smile and let them go. Then happiness and peace will always remain with you..

“Smile and forgive”

The day you learn to look optimistically at people who have broken your expectations, that day you are “mature”.

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