If someone asks “What is the most valuable thing in your life” what will be your answer?

Your answer should be “mental freedom”

Do you know why?

Because it’s the most valuable thing in our life.

  • Have you seen the suffering of people who see that they have everything?
  • Have you heard the inner problems of people who feel that there is nothing lacking on the outside?
  • Have you been in the company of people who were left alone despite being surrounded by many friends when life took a step back?
  • Have you seen people who had money and property but could not sleep comfortably?
  • Have you talked to people who have two or three degrees but are serving their best time in prison?
  • Have you watched people who have loved for years get divorced without even seeing each other?
  • Have you seen mothers, sons and brothers of the same family suing for a property?

If you are aware of all the above, then you have learned one thing from all these things.

Many people in this world have lost Their own mental freedom.

Therefore, the most valuable thing in life is mental freedom.

There is no happiness where there is no freedom for the mind.

No matter what they get in life, no matter what they say they got, people who are not free of mind have not really got anything.

So live for mental freedom.

Make mental freedom the primary goal of everything you do, people you hang out with, places you go to, decisions you make in life, relationships, and separations, from hobbies to careers.

Remember that the number one thing in life is your mental freedom.

Keep it as long as it doesn’t offend anyone.

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