willpower boy sitting


Would you like to eat that second doughnut? Are you trying to get more exercise every day? Do you buy on impulse from Amazon? Do you spend a lot of time reading? Instead of self-help resources directing you to work?

What you need is more willpower and that is what we are going to talk about in this article. 

Recent research shows that strengthening willpower is the real secret to resisting temptations and achieving our goals.

The good news is that scientists say that strengthening our willpower is not as difficult as you might think. Here are 7 research-based hacks that can strengthen your willpower:

01. Smile

Laughter helps improve willpower. In a recent study, scientists tested the willpower of experiment participants. They were able to resist some temptation.

Give unexpected gifts or show a funny video to the first group. The other group was not given any kind of positive reward.

The first group significantly improved their ability to resist later temptations. The next time you feel like resisting some sort of temptation, try lifting your mood by laughing or watching a funny movie.

02. Tighten your fingers

Covering your fingers, closing your eyes, and holding the urge to urinate can help you improve. Handling self-discipline.

03. Meditate

Meditation is good for many things (reduces stress, increases focus, manages emotions) Now tests suggest it even helps improve willpower. An easy way to start meditating is to sit in a quiet place for 10 minutes a day and focus on your breath.

04. Reminders

Our immediate urges to give in to temptations make it very difficult to resist. Our emotional desires look like a big elephant and our rational beings are like a small ant.

However, one way to tame the elephant is with physical reminders of what our logicians want to achieve. So put a note on your fridge that says “a doughnut,” or set an alert when you need to stop playing video games.

05. Eat

Did you know that willpower? Need to feed? No wonder eating is so difficult. When we have low glucose levels, our willpower goes down. The best treatment is a protein-rich diet that produces a steady, consistent amount of glucose… and willpower that allows you to stay strong like an oak tree.

06. Self-forgiveness

Science shows guilt kills willpower. This is why people who eat ice cream and regret it are more likely to be driven away and eat more sweets. Instead, when you’re tempted, feel sorry for yourself.

07. Commitment

The most important thing to strengthen your willpower is the commitment to do it. You will improve your willpower only by dedication. To do this, assess your situation and confirm why you need to strengthen your willpower, make a clear decision to deal with this and set a long-term goal.

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